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Using compost, Charles shares a trick that makes it easy and quick earth potatoes. Try it!
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I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Charles Dowding's channel
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Charles Dowding walks through his new no dig garden, talking about harvests, pest covers, compost, watering.
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Compost is a key element to grow great vegetables. But how much or how little is a question that Charles Dowding will answer for us. The following article represents my notes from his vlog.
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Succession planting the act to sow and plant another crops following the harvesting of a previous one.
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I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Huw Richards's channel
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Growing your own food is a great skill to learn. You can start on a small area to become familiar with the basics. Let's look at the first steps to become more self-sufficient.
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Garlic is a healthy crop to grow for your meal. Huw shares with us his pro tips to harvest plenty of them.
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Step by step, Moreno shows how to plant this crop successfully.
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I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Charles Dowding's channel