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Image of the Pinia logo made by

Creating a store with Vue 3, Pinia and TypeScript

State management lets you run a faster application. For a while now, Pinia has replaced Vuex in Vue applications. And with Pinia, it’s time to embrace the Composition API, even within the stores.

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Contents of a TypeScript file

Simplify your ifs in JavaScript and TypeScript

Code quality, is that something you take care of in your everyday tasks? I do. But sometimes, it is not simply just about saving keystrokes or a number of characters. Let’s dive into it

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Architecture diagram of WordPress on Azure's app service

How to migrate a WordPress site to Microsoft Azure

I did a migration from InMotion shared hosting to Microsoft Azure in 2023 for a non-profit organization in the US. I learned a lot as a first experience with Microsoft Azure. Here is what I learned and how it went.

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Contents of the "vite.config.ts file

Using path aliases in a Vue.js project

The developer experience on Vue.js projects can greatly improve using a simple configuration. Here is how you will make sure your imports are not relatively declared.